The Latest Episodes
Slicing the Existential Pie: How Could So Many People Be So Wrong?
The vast majority of people believe in something - a religion or the like - when it comes to fundamental issues. But any way you slice the pie in that regard, more than half of them are wrong! How can that be? … Stay tuned till the end for a possible clue!
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- .... . .-. . / .. ... / --- -. . / .-.. .. ..-. . --..-- / .. - / .. ... / . ...- . .-. -.-- / .-.. .. ..-. . --..-- / .. - / .. ... / . .- -.-. .... / --- ..-. / ..- ... / .- -. -.. / .- .-.. .-.. / --- ..-. / ..- … 〰️
Can Science Prove The Existence Of A Life Force? Well, As A Matter Of Fact … (PART 1)
Could there be a fifth fundamental force in the universe? And could it be “life?” Could life itself be stitched into the very fabric of reality by “life particles?” Dr. Ian Walters believes that the answer to each of those questions is “yes,” and that he has the science to prove it! We were honored to have Dr. Walters on our show to discuss his extraordinary, potentially transformative ideas. If he’s right - and he most certainly presents a compelling case - everything in existence, even the cosmos itself, is powered by a universal life force. If so, then what? Stay tuned …
Could Aliens Be Using Dark Energy To Save The Universe?
According to mainstream science, “Dark Energy” dominates the universe. It makes up nearly 70% of … well, everything. But here’s the rub: Despite its position of prominence in the cosmos, and despite our decades of study and exploration, we still pretty much have no idea what it is. So, in light of that “vacuum,” we figured - why not have a little fun at the expense of everything that mystifies?! We asked: Could Aliens Be Using Dark Energy To Save The Universe? And our answer is…
Want to Live Forever?
Tech entrepreneur Adam Gries explains Vitalism.
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On Pantheism
An in-depth interview with Mary-Jane Rubenstein
Exploring the Infinite Cosmos
Ethan Siegel discusses his new book on the story of the James Webb Space Telescope.
Bonus Content: Still 1 Host. Still 2 Monks. Still More Zen!
One hour with Sunim Hoden and Reverend Koshin wasn’t nearly enough! So, we continued our discussion of all things Zen for another 22 minutes. Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, and on our website - Also, be sure to “like,” “share,” and (most of all) “subscribe” if you haven’t done so already!
Would Hitler Swerve? A Short Inquiry Into the Nature of Good and Evil
Are people inherently good or evil? How do we determine that? And what’s the proper standard for measuring morality in general? Those are the questions that we explore on today’s show, with an eye toward further developing the subject and formulating a theory of our own. To be clear, we don't focus on Hitler alone—Mother Teresa makes a cameo appearance to balance things out. So, settle in, but don’t settle back as we intrepidly cross the philosophical conundrum-line that separates good and evil!
Recent Episodes
1 Host. 2 Monks. What The Zen Are We Talking About?
We took a deep dive into the fascinating world of Zen Buddhism in our lively interview with two monks from the Dharma Gate Zen Center. Our discussion covered the nature of Zen, its guiding principles, and the awesome benefits of "zazen," or "sitting meditation." Zen Buddhism might not hold the answers to "life, the universe, and everything," but it most certainly offers powerful insight into the here, now, and every now of the "innverse." Enjoy!
Consciousness And The Observer Effect
If A Tree Falls In The Forest And No One’s There To Observe It, Does It Make A Turkey Reuben Sandwich? Talk about covering a lot of territory! Author Larry Gottlieb joined us to examine the Observer Effect, Consciousness, the double-slit experiment, the double-door experiment, existence, illusions, and yes, trees falling in forests and turkey reuben sandwiches (stay with us on this one - it works)! So go ahead and click the start button … and the “like” button … and the “subscribe” button because you’re most certainly gonna want to go “full quantum ahead” with Larry Gottlieb as he delivers … the magic!