How Could So Many People Be So Wrong?

When it comes to the origin of the universe, the formation of our planet, and the existence of life as we know it, the overwhelming majority of people who have ever lived (and who are living now) have believed, and continue to believe, in something.  That is, people have always believed that a god or gods, or some other creative force, made all of those things — made everything — happen.  So, if that’s the case, then we must ask:  How could so many people be so wrong?  

Although that question, at first blush, seems like the query of a hardened atheist, that’s not the case.  Please note, I’m not disavowing atheism here, but I’m not endorsing it, either.  For purposes of this post (and Exus The Podquest in general), I’m not taking a position one way or the other on the fundamental question of whether there’s a god.  What I am saying is that, even assuming that there is a god or some creative force, it’s absolutely mind-staggering to consider how many people were — and remain — totally wrong about the specifics of such an existence.  

For instance, if it is finally determined that the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible is the one and only true God, just think about how many people were totally mistaken all along.  All of the millions and millions of Hindus were wrong, as were the countless number of Buddhists, the Jainists, the Shinto, the Native Americans, the Scientologists, and so on.  And then there are the untold scores of atheists and agnostics and spiritualists to account for, not to mention new agers, and many others.

And the same is true if you switch things up: If you substitute Hindu or Buddhism or Naturalism, etc. for Judeo-Christianity.  In those cases, all of the Jews would have been wrong, as would’ve been the legion of Christians, and the millions and millions of … well, you get the point. And this situation continues to persist, even today.

So, again, any way you slice it, the question remains — and it demands an answer:  How could so many people be so wrong?  

Or are they?  

Subscribe to Exus The Podquest for the answer to those questions, and an “unbelievable” number of others just like it!

